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Libby’s Art Room - Planning Stage

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I’m delighted to say that I have an adjoining room to my studio. My plans for this space are to open it up for art classes!

I plan to have this room bustling with creativity, allowing students of all ages to discover joy in playful creativity. From drop in drawing workshops to structured learning courses. Coloured pencils to oil paints. These classes will all be structured around art and be open to all skill sets and experience.

This will start with small classes, a mixture of structured teaching classes and more playful drop in drawing workshops. These classes shall be run by myself and fellow artists, based in this Glasgow city center studio. 

If you would like to register your interest, please email myself at and suggest which type of class your looking for. This is the perfect opportunity to as at this early stage I’m open to all ideas. 

These classes are at their early planning stages and due to begin 2024, once the room has been renovated.

I cannot wait to meet and share with you! 

Art studio

 All online sales are currently going towards funding the renovation of this place and investing in art supplies for prospective students. 


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