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DIY Etching | 2 Part Course
DIY Etching | 2 Part Course
DIY Etching | 2 Part Course

DIY Etching | 2 Part Course

Introducing my first-ever guest tutor, Lindsay Grime!

Saturday 26th October and

Saturday  2nd November

2pm til 4pm

In the first week we'll learn the basics of this fun and satisfying technique, involving plant milk cartons and a pasta machine (sounds strange I know!) In week 2 we'll get a bit more experimental and see what happens when we get scissors and colour involved!

The great thing about this technique is that once you've learned it, it's something you can do yourself at home, and is easy and super low-cost (using discarded materials) compared to traditional etching processes that require access to a press and the use of copper and other pricey metals. A whole printmaking world can suddenly open up!

 Libby's Artroom is right by Queen's Street Station in the heart of Glasgow. There is a lift to the 5th floor studio, however there are several steps at the entrance of the building. 

Refreshments will be provided. Tea/coffee
Suitable for ages 16+

All further information will be emailed after purchase and prior to the event, please email if you have any questions before then.